An extended weekend saw 10 Trossachs Search & Rescue team members all successfully gaining their Qualsaf Level 3 awards in First Aid including outdoor elements. Tailor Made Training offered the team an adapted course, covering classroom work and many indoor and outdoor scenarios – some particularly realistic! The team worked together on femur breaks, cardiac arrests, electric shocks, choking, 10-inch nail puncture wound, a car accident, a drunken encounter involving a child’s car V hill and many others. These were all quite possible scenarios and so much was learned during these sessions.
This important opportunity to train our new team volunteers and refresh skills for our existing First Aiders was possible through a community grant awarded by Stirling Council. The funding enabled our team members to build and develop skills to further assist the community. Our services as First Aiders are already filling up the diary and attending many outdoor events is just one of the ways we are able to help and protect our community.
The team would also like to offer our thanks to the fantastically welcoming venue McLaren Sports Centre in Callander, who not only humoured our many dramatic injuries, but offered the team an ideal indoor and outdoor space for classroom work and scenarios, keeping us fed and watered throughout every session. We must however, apologise for alarming your guests, many of which kindly asked if they could have been of any assistance during our realistic scenarios.
Trossachs Search & Rescue are now their 25th year of being a community resilience team and this work could not be achieved without the unwavering generosity of the public, local businesses and larger organisations such as @arnoldclark who have provided the team with essential vehicles and support for many years enabling us to carry out the essential services we offer. From USAR dogs, First Responding, First Aid, TECs services, CPR classes, assisting in the provision of AEDs and working with the emergency services, we need more than our passion to last us the next 25 years.
If you would like to support the team, no matter how small you think it may be, please message us through or directly through messenger – we’d love to hear your suggestions.